Our Community Impact: Tree Planting

Justyn Harrison By Justyn Harrison September 28th

Did you know that each move with MyConnect helps us to give back to the community?

Through our charitable arm, MyCommunities, we support charities, grassroots initiatives, and environmental organisations to drive a more socially conscious world. 

Our most recent partner, Carbon Positive Australia, is helping us to take climate action through tree planting and ecosystem restoration. Through this partnership and team volunteering at The Tree Project, we have planted 3,925 trees this year and counting!

Read on to learn more!

Who are Carbon Positive Australia?

Carbon Positive Australia has been restoring degraded sites through ecologically sensitive planting since 2001. They are dedicated to every stage of the planting process, including species selection, collection, monitoring, planting, and community engagement.

This planting season alone, Carbon Positive Australia has restored more than 400 hectares of cleared Australian land, sowed over 160 kg of native seeds, provided indigenous employment opportunities at 50% of their planting projects, planted at 9 sites with known threatened Flora and Fauna, and more!

Our Mission

We have pledged to plant 7,500 trees annually, with each move getting us one step closer!

Why Trees?

Native trees are essential to increasing the sustainability of Australia’s agricultural areas. 

In addition to preventing soil erosion and salinity, they also give native animals shelter, food, and a place to call home. On top of environmental restoration, trees are a valuable source of timber for fuel, wood, fodder, essential oils, gums, resins, latex, and medicines.

We aren’t done!

We aim to continue growing our charitable arm to help communities around Australia. You can find out more about our community impact on our website!

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Justyn Harrison
Justyn Harrison